Training and Education

Who we are


SocialBe was founded by Melissa Curley in 2018. A secondary school teacher turned entrepreneur, Melissa has left the classroom, but has taken with her her passion for education and learning, and its ability to empower and transform. 


Melissa has a 1st class honours in Education from UCC and many years of hands-on experience in creating and delivering educational ideas to groups. She knows how to create content that is well – structured, that flows, that has clear objectives, that makes you think. She knows how to deliver in an engaging way, and how to facilitate highly interactive sessions. 

Further upskilling:

Postgrad in Innovation (UCD)

Introduction to Organisational Psychology (University of Aberdeen)

HDip in Innovation through Design Thinking (UCC)

Get to know me


Passionate educator with global teaching experience; NZ, Japan, UK, and Ireland


I’m a runner bee – member of Youghal Athletics. Best time in a race : Ballycotton 10 mile in 71m36sec. I run for sanity, clarity, and pure enjoyment. 


I did a stint as a travel writer in South America – my article on South American bus journeys featured in an online top 10. I truly believe in the capacity of storytelling to connect, engage, inspire and entertain.


My first business was a vintage styled mobile afternoon tea business. I learned an incredible amount about myself and what I was capable of through the challenges and successes of that quirky business adventure.


What you’ll remember about me : curly hair, Curley surname


Proud ambassador of Cork Chamber / committee member Network Cork 


Library card – holder : I prefer browsing for books than for clothes

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