Training and Education

Innovation through Design Thinking

Genius, in truth, means little more than thinking in an unhabitual way

The world is in a continuous state of change, and innovation is necessary to enable companies to adapt to the challenges that brings. Innovation fosters growth and resilience. Maintaining the status quo is not an option for continued success. ‘’If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong’’

The Design Thinking approach is a way of looking at, and thinking about problems and problem – solving differently. Design Thinking is a mindset, and a methodology for innovation and complex problem solving that puts user’s needs and preferences at the centre of the process.

Our human history is the history of ideas

What is Innovation? How does Design Thinking facilitate it?


All good innovation starts with finding and framing problems.

Design Thinking begins in the realm of curiosity and asks the crucial question : What is the problem we are actually solving for? Too often people fixate on solving the wrong problem, or addressing the symptoms of a problem and not the problem itself. This is both ineffective and inefficient, not to mention financially costly.

If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem, and 5 minutes thinking about solutions. 

If staying in the problem space as long as possible was good enough for Einstein, it’s good enough for us! Design Thinking is different because it sits in the ambiguity and discomfort of the problem space for a long time. Too often when presented with a problem, challenge or opportunity we are quick to jump to solution mode. Which can lead to us solving the wrong problem, or giving weak solutions to problems.

Innovation is the creation of viable new offerings. 

Design Thinking can transform how organisations innovate around products, services, processes, and strategy. It facilitates solving complex problems (wicked problems) through creativity, radical collaboration, co – creation, and rapid prototyping.


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Moving to a hybrid working model

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Making a case for Networking

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