Training and Education
It’s not about how fast you run, or how high you jump, but how well you bounce
I’m a runner, and I have learned that longevity in running means having easy runs as well as hard ones, and enough rest and recovery days too.
Longevity in our working lives is about having a Work Ethic paced by a Rest Ethic. Resilience is how you recharge, not how you endure.
Switching off is hard. Technology has enabled work to live in our pockets. We are ‘always on’ – never fully switching off from work. No time for recovery.
The WHO has included burnout in its international classification of diseases. “Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”
How can we bend but not break?
In Alignment - restoring balance in mind and body
Our latest approach to Resilience and Balance is : In Alignment – a workshop in restoring balance in the mind and body through :
● Pilates in practise
● Toolkit to develop a Resilient mindset
● 4 step programme to successful Habit forming
This workshop is uniquely designed to restore balance in the body and mind through interweaving Pilates principles and movements with thought – provoking Talking Points. We look at how our current way of living and working is out of balance; how longevity means we are living longer, but not healthier; how strengthening mind body connection is a truly resilient approach.
Through movement and discussion we will explore :
● how we can restore balance mentally and physically
● building resilient practises into our minds and
This can be a :
- Stand alone 3 hour workshop
- Series of 3 x 90 minute sessions
- Series of 6 x 60 minute sessions
Social Currency – your networking gold
This article came from the topic of a Facebook live that I was asked to do by the lovely ladies at Girl Crew, to go out to their worldwide community of members. The discussion was about how to grow your social currency, or your network. Time for a slight tangent. I...
Our Clients Include

Coca Cola

Survey Monkey



Eli Lilly




Cork Chamber Skillnet