Training and Education

Those who tell the stories rule the world



The tradition of storytelling is an old one, but it is by no means an outdated one, and still has immense value in a number of ways in today’s world of work. Despite the huge leaps that humanity has taken, we are still, at our core, a social species, and we still connect and engage through the medium of story, just like we always have.

”Stories constitute the single most powerful tool in a leader’s arsenal”

Who :


For anyone who, in the course of their work, will *present an idea *seek to persuade, motivate, inspire others *create and embed culture and values *connect people to their work through a shared narrative. 

Imagine the potential for your presentation / pitch / inspirational talk in terms of its impact to persuade, motivate, move people to action? 

Why :


People want to know your story. It helps to build trust. Crucial for leaders to convey, for clients and customers to feel, and for team members to create.

Research shows that we remember information 22 times more if it is conveyed to us with story as well as facts.  Facts engage our logical brains, but they don’t inspire us to action. For that we need the emotional resonance of story. 

Storytelling is a powerful strategic tool, and those who utilise the power of the narrative will have greater impact. 

How :


A highly interactive, engaging session. Flexible timeframe tailored to your needs. 

Combining the most up to date research with the timeless wisdom of the greats to develop a comprehensive understanding of the elements of storytelling, the neuroscience behind impactful storytelling, and the values and uses of story for business. 

We will use tools such as storyboarding to construct ideas, persona activities to create characters and narrative structures to craft with style. Language and writing techniques to develop a robust tone of voice.  

Own the narrative


Story, as it turns out, was crucial to our evolution – more so than opposable thumbs. Opposable thumbs let us hang on; story told us what to hang on to. 

The world isn’t just the way it is. It is how we understand it, no? And in understanding something, we bring something to it, no? Doesn’t that make life a story?


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