Training and Education

SocialBe Workshops with Melissa Curley

Training & facilitation uniquely designed for your people.


”Change has never happened so fast, and it will never happen as slowly again.”

How are you equipping your people to adapt and thrive in a fast- paced, constantly changing world?

It is our uniquely human skills that will enable us to navigate these uncertain, but incredibly interesting times.

Cultivate mindset, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, better decision making, communication skills. 

We offer a range of research based, content driven, engagingly delivered, and expertly facilitated learning and development programmes to equip your people, teams, your managers, and graduates for success.


Current training topics trending in the world of work :

Melissa blends evidence – based research with practical application in the real world – SIRO

Sample Training Overview 


Unconscious Bias - Conscious inclusion

”All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others” Orwell

The world has always been, and still is to a great degree, designed so that certain types of people thrive, whilst others, in order to succeed in this world design, must overcome obstacles and oftentimes adapt themselves. Conscious Inclusion is about designing for all, in our physical spaces, in our workplace systems and procedures, and in our individual thinking and behaviours 

Workshop content overview :

  • What is Bias – awareness, knowledge, understanding
  • The biased brain – inputs, reinforcements, the bias circuit
  • The impact of bias
  • Consciously designing for better – inclusive design of structures, processes, systems

Contact Melissa

Call me on +353 86 212 7901, email or send me a message.  I look forward to co-creating an impactful workshop for your company.

Our Clients Include